Major Compositions
After All These Years
Anne From Downeyville
Bell Hawk Swing
Big Black Cat
Bill Harmer's Reel
Cane Island Swing
Cheryl Eileen
Confederation Bridge Reel
Coverdale Waltz
Dancing Waters
Early Morning Waltz
Fiddlers Friends Fancy
Fiddler From Douro
Fiddlers' Gala
Fiddler's Roast
Fiddlin' Ned
First Fiddle Camp Waltz
Composed by Ivan and participants during the first Ivan Hicks Downeast Fiddle Camp -
Florence Killen's Fiddlers Haven Hornpipe
Forever Friends
For the Love It
Fundy Tides
Garnet's Tune
Gram Lee's Waltz (Get a copy in JPG Format)
Gram Lee's Waltz (Get a copy in PDF Format)
Hardy's Reel
Jim, The Fiddle Maker (Get a copy in JPG Format)
Jim, The Fiddle Maker (Get a copy in PDF Format)
Just Like Family
Lorne's Birthday Party Two-Step
Karla's Back Porch Reel
Kerrytown Jig
Lutes Mountain Two Step
Composed by Ivan and students, Michael Jennings and Tom Wilkinson -
MacDonalds of Highfield
Maritime 40
Marshwinds Waltz
Memories of Father James Smith
Mom and Dad's Anniversary Waltz
My Special Waltz to You
Our Little Miss Molly
Out the Old Mill Way
Out Walking
Purple Violet Waltz
Reel Francine et Gilles
Riverview Jig
Ron & Barb's 50th Anniversary Waltz
Sandpiper's Reel
Sussex Avenue Fiddlers Two Step
Thank You, Miami
Under the Linden Tree
White Pine Lodge Hornpipe
Y2K Calypso